Contact Us – Denver, PA

Denver Dental Office

Whether you have a damaged or decayed tooth, it’s vital to seek treatment as soon as possible to keep the problem from progressing. In the past, this meant filling or topping your tooth off with a highly noticeable metal restoration. At Cocalico Dental, we utilize high-quality, durable materials that can be customized to match the color and structure of your natural teeth, providing you with long-lasting protection.


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Cocalico Dental

601 North 6th Street, Denver, PA 17517
Office Hours:
Monday: 10AM to 5PM
Tuesday: 8AM to 5PM
Wednesday: 8AM to 5PM
Thursday: 8AM to 5PM
Friday: 8AM to 4PM

Take advantage of our excellent dental care options!

Call us today to schedule your appointment.
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